Catholic Schools / Business Partnership
The Schools/Business Partnership Committee spearheads CBN MC’s continuing effort to forge a strong relationship between the schools and businesses. Seeks nominations for the schools Business Partners and Volunteers to be recognized at the Gala. Solicits grant proposals from the schools to be awarded in August. Sends out the Essay Scholarship Criteria to all the schools. Coordinates notices of upcoming events placed in parish bulletins.
Essay Scholarship Program
The committee administers the Essay Scholarship Competition, they select the topic, create the criteria and receive all the essays. They select the primary and final panel of judges. Notify the winners, and their schools and arrange for them to attend our Scholarship breakfast in April. The scholarships are for one year, they range from $1,000 to $2,500 and are paid in August directly to the Catholic High School that the student attends. The money for the Scholarships comes directly from the sponsors of CBN MC.
Gala Committee
Co-chair: Geoff Gonella
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Chair: Courtney Lodico
DCA Imaging Systems
The Gala committee works in cooperation with the full CBN Board to create the signature event of the year. Selection of the Business and Community person of the year, creating the written invitations, coordinating with the venue the menu and timeline, the photography, the awards, and all aspects of the event. Meetings begin in February to secure the venue and continue monthly until the Gala in November.
Program / Directory Book
David Kuzma
McLean Wealth Partners
Julie Beavers
CBN-MC Administrator
Responsible for securing all the ads, and data in the book. Overseeing the printing, proofreading and design. This a big job and volunteers are most welcome.
Goverance Committee
The purpose of the Governance Committee is to assist the Board of Directors to fulfill its responsibilities regarding matters that relate to governing the organization and in identifying and making recommendations to the board on candidates for the Board of Directors. The Governance Committee shall perform all duties as requested or required by the Board of Directors and will specifically be responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:
- Advise the Board about operational strategies including relevant amendments to the organization’s bylaws to strengthen the organization and empower the Board in meeting its obligations related to good governance principles and abide by the organization’s mission.
- Devise and make recommendations for policies that reflect best practices for overall good governance.
- Make recommendations to the Board about the criteria and qualifications that they deem appropriate for election as Directors.
- Make nominations to the Board for qualified individuals as Directors.
Finance Committee
Pete Hodgson
Reviews the complete financial statements prepared by Councilor, Buchannan& Mitchel and gives the Board a synopsis at the Board meeting. Must have a strong financial background to be a part of this committee.
Scholarship Breakfast Committee
Honorary Chair: John Treseler
John C. Grimberg Co.
Secures the venue, creates the printed program. Selects the MC, and updates the script and timeline for the event. Assists the photographer with award winners , and schools.
Monthly Breakfast
Julie Beavers
CBN-MC Administrator
The warmth and friendship visible to all at the 7:30 a.m. breakfasts held on the 2nd Friday of each month on Zoom or at a restaurant or Columbia Country Club is the mainstay of the CBN-MC organization. Networking. Celebrity speakers. Needs and Leads opens the floor to all members and guests. New members and guests recognized. Short business meeting to update members about CBN-MC's ongoing work and much more in business building activities. Pre-registered- $35.00. Advanced signup requested.
Quarterly Evening Receptions
For those who are unable to make the early morning breakfast meetings, CBN-MC also provides the opportuntity to network at our quarterly evening receptions. The locations are moved to different venues throughout Montgomery County. New members and guests recognized. Short business meeting to update members about CBN-MC's ongoing work and much more in business building activities. Pre-registered Members and guests - $25.00. At the door - $30.00. Advanced signup requested.
Membership Committee
Chair: Courtney Lodico
DCA Imaging Systems
The committee works to create a seamless membership experience to help give potential new members an orientation of how CBN functions and the benefits of membership. Tasked with contacting each new member and finding ways to help them connect with other members and increase CBN awareness among parishes, schools and businesses.
Communications / Social Media Committee
Chair: Meagan Sexton
Chair: Courtney Lodico
DCA Imaging Systems
Julie Beavers
CBN-MC Administrator
The committee works to help create awareness of CBN through website administration, publication of e-News, development of press releases, and contact with local media.